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Homme ei juhtu midagi. Ülehomme ka mitte. Aga kas järgmised Riigikogu valimised toimuvad? Ei oska öelda.
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Kõhe tunne on peale pühapäeva.
Jälle on eesti rahvale selgelt hoiatus antud. Ja jälle on see ülbelt pikalt saadetud.
Homme ei juhtu midagi. Ülehomme ka mitte. Aga kas järgmised Riigikogu valimised toimuvad? Ei oska öelda.
Siin paluti proovida ChatGPT-d ühe huvitava ülesandega: esmalt lasta kirjutada essee ja siis muuta see luuletuseks. Proovime…
1. Write a short essay on free software licenses
Free software licenses are legal agreements that grant users the freedom to use, modify, and distribute software without restrictions. These licenses are typically used by open-source software developers who wish to make their software available to the public for free, while still maintaining certain rights and protections.
One of the most popular free software licenses is the GNU General Public License (GPL), which was created by the Free Software Foundation (FSF). The GPL requires that any derivative works based on the software must also be licensed under the GPL, ensuring that the software remains free and open-source. The GPL also includes provisions for ensuring that users are able to access and modify the source code of the software, and that they are not restricted in their ability to use the software for any purpose.
Another popular free software license is the MIT License, which is widely used in the development of software libraries and frameworks. The MIT License is less restrictive than the GPL, allowing developers to use and modify the software without necessarily making their modifications available to the public. However, the MIT License still requires that the original copyright notice and license agreement be included in any distribution of the software.
Other free software licenses include the Apache License, the BSD License, and the Mozilla Public License. Each of these licenses offers different levels of freedom and protection for users, and developers must choose the license that best suits their needs and goals.
In general, free software licenses are an important tool for promoting innovation and collaboration in the software development community. By allowing users to freely access and modify software, these licenses encourage the creation of new and innovative products and services, while also ensuring that the software remains available to the public for future generations. As such, free software licenses have become an essential part of the open-source software movement, and will continue to play a critical role in shaping the future of technology.
Kommentaar: pole viga, ehkki lahti seletamata on jäetud vaba tarkvara litsentside üks põhilisi omadusi – õiguste edasikandumisklausel (copyleft) ja selle eri astmed. Siiski, GPL-i juures on sellest sisuliselt räägitud. Mainitud on tuntumaid litsentse, aga puudub LGPL ehk nõrga copylefti näide ja midagi oleks ehk võinud olla kasutajatest (näiteks Linuxi tuum GPL puhul).
Aga ingliskeelse SPEAIT eksamiesseena oleks ilmselt madalamat sorti tulemusega läbi saanud küll.
2. Turn the essay into a poem
Free software licenses, a legal accord,
With freedom to use, modify, and afford.
Open-source developers seek to share,
Their software with the public, without a care.
The GPL, a popular choice,
Ensuring software stays with a voice.
Derivatives must follow the same track,
Keeping it open, not turning back.
MIT License, less restrictive to see,
Modifications not mandatory to be.
The original copyright, still to be retained,
In distributions, it must be maintained.
Apache, BSD, and Mozilla too,
Offering choices for what developers do.
Each with their own level of freedom and rights,
A decision for developers to make at night.
Free software licenses, promoting innovation,
Encouraging collaboration, a new creation.
A critical part of open-source, we can see,
A future of technology, yet to be.
Kommentaar: tänamatu ja ebaluuleline ülesanne muidugi – ja sellisena päris kenasti kirja pandud. Näib, et ChatGPT oskab riime leida päris hästi, samas on teksti rütmiga probleeme – silpide arvud ridades ei klapi ja tekst ei hakka korralikult voolama. Teisalt on aga kahe luuletuse pealt näha, et “asja uba” ehk puänti oskab ta juba üsna kenasti leida.